Thursday, September 17, 2015

Kwantlen Street Farmers Market

The start of a new semester coincided with a "sneak peek" at the Kwantlen Street Farmers Market

Produce grown by the Sustainable Agriculture students and the TFN Farm School students was featured near the market entrance, just behind the Richmond campus.

The market will be back in this location every Tuesday evening, beginning in the spring of 2016. It will give next year's Agroecosystems Management students a regular market outlet for the fruits of their labour. 


Fall harvest

Yesterday the students collected more than 100 pumpkins, more than 100 ears of corn, and more than 500 pounds of potatoes from the south Richmond orchard site.

We're rushing to get the edible food crops out so that we can apply manure and plant our winter cover crops.

Community feedback

Community feedback is a rewarding aspects of working in the campus terrace gardens. It's hard to spend much time in the gardens before a passerby stops to talk about them. It seems everyone is glad to see food growing in front of campus.

Yesterday's edition of the Richmond News featured a photograph and letter to the editor from a community member who has enjoyed watching our gardens grow this summer.

(Click image to enlarge)

The gardens have also inspired KPU Arts Advisor Naomi Ben-Yehuda, who sent us the following pictures that she took in June.